Monday, June 27, 2016

Camp NaNoWriMo!

Hi, readers! :) The executives at NaNoWriMo decided they would hold a Camp NaNoWriMo in July! It's basically the same as regular NaNoWriMo, just less formal. I will be doing the Young Writers Program version. It's where I'll start to write Lost Worlds! I have started to outline Chapter 1 already. I am super excited and I will be sure to give you guys updates. I hope to update on CampNaNoWriMo at least once a week, but I will also have regular posts.  I encourage any fiction writer who is allowed to get an account to participate, the best part is it's free! Everybody on the forums is nice and supportive. And you can join cabins so you can share your progress with your friends. Check it out here! You can find me @liv.writes. If you are participating in Camp NaNo, comment what you're working on down below! Also, check out my Camp NaNo page, that's where most of the updates are going to be.


  1. Hey, the blog looks great! The image at the top is so amazing! :D

    1. Thank you, it took a lot of work to get it to fit :)
